Follow the below steps for uninstallation. In case if you have installed Evernote from Mac App Store. Please note that their databases are in different locations on your computer so if you uninstall one version and install the other version, your app may be temporarily unable to locate any locally saved notes. There are two versions of Evernote for Mac: direct download (from website) and the Mac App Store. Read: AppCleaner: Free Uninstaller Utility for Mac OS X Completely Uninstall Evernote from Mac OS X So how to fix this error and remove Evernote completely from Mac OS X? It’s quite simple just follow the below steps. This error occurs because at the backend the Evernote Plugins are in use. “The item “Evernote” can’t be moved to the Trash because some of its plugins are in use” I tried Quitting the application and DELETE Evernote from Application Folder. I am unable to Uninstall or remove Evernote from Mac operating system.